Machine Piecing and Quilting Needles by Schmetz Needles
$ 4.00 $ 5.00
Universal (#1711) – a general purpose needle. It features a slightly rounded point. Designed to prevent shredding and breakage when sewing with metallic and other machine embroidery threads. These work with all household sewing machine brands. 5 needles: Sizes: (2) 70/10, (2) 80/12, (1) 90/14
Quilting (#1735) – use for piecing and machine quilting. The special tapered design allows easier fabric penetration and helps eliminate skipped stitches. 5 needles: 1 size: 75/11
Topstitch (#1793) – these needles have an extra long eye. Use with topstitch, and heavy or poor quality threads. 5 needles: 1 size: 90/14
Jeans/Denim needles (#1836) – medium ball point and reinforced blade for penetrating extra thick woven fabrics, denims or quilts with minimum needle deflection, reduced risk of needle breakage and skipped stitches. 5 needles: Sizes: (2) 90/14, (2) 100/16, (2) 110/18
Microtex (#1839) – use with micro fibers, polyester, silk, foils, artificial leather, coated materials. Needle is very thin with an acute point for topstitching and straight stitches for quilt piecing. 5 needles: Sizes: (2) 60/8, (2) 70/10 and (1) 80/12
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