Modern Meets Traditional March 20 2023 2 Comments

Modern Meets TraditionalAbove:  Left Rachaeldaisy and Right Betty Ford-Smith

The recent pandemic was life changing for many and on so many different levels.  For those of you who have been part of the Red Thread Studio world, you'll recall we had to cancel our highly anticipated trunk show with Rachaeldaisy and Betty Ford-Smith in March 2020 where Betty was going to discuss the tradition of Pine Burr quilts and Rachael was going to share her more contemporary versions.

Fast forward to March 2023 when I was honored to witness this dynamic duo finally meeting in person!

Jen, Betty and Rachael

We had a lovely afternoon admiring Betty's various collections and of course her Pinecone Quilts!  

Betty Ford Smith

Rachael gave Betty her very own personal Whizz Bang trunk show!

Rachaeldaisy Trunk Show

And of course, the two posed together with their signature quilts.

Betty and Rachael with their quilts

We also got to have a sneak peek of Betty's new book Pinecone Quilts - Keeping Tradition Alive.

Betty and her new book - Pinecone Quilts - Keeping Tradition Alive

It was such a magical day to be with these two and to see them share their passions with one another.  I was blessed that my red threads led me to both Betty and to Rachael.